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The logo for the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

University of Illinois Extension provides unbiased, research-based solutions to families, businesses, and organizations in Illinois. The Agriculture and Natural Resources Program provides research, analysis, and education aimed at strengthening the foundational agricultural sector in the state. It provides essential training for commercial producers of all scales in rural, urban, and transition areas. The Integrated Health Disparities Program provides health education, access, and well-being for vulnerable residents and communities to address health inequities. Illinois Extension staff help ensure the Center’s outreach activities and the communications associated with our research findings are appropriate for farm owners–specifically those who employ farmworkers.

Visit the Illinois Extension website.

The logo for the Community Health Partnership of Illinois

Community Health Partnership of Illinois (CHP) began in 1970 and has grown to a six-clinic network of Federally Qualified Health Centers with additional outreach sites. CHP’s mission is to build and deliver high quality, culturally responsive healthcare to patients, caregivers and communities. CHP has a particular focus on uninsured, underserved, migrant and seasonal farm workers.

Visit the CHP website.

The logo for Legal Aid Chicago

Legal Aid Chicago (LAC) seeks to increase the level of socioeconomic integration of migrant farmworkers to ensure full participation in society. LAC protects and enforces the employment and civil rights of migrant workers throughout Illinois, particularly the contractual and statutory obligations under H-2A worker contracts, as well as occupational safety and health rights. LAC conducts outreach throughout the State of Illinois, providing “know your rights” training as well as occupational safety and health training. LAC talks with farmworkers about their employment and work conditions and hands out flyers to provide contact information for legal and health services. LAC staff assist with framing all the Center’s materials with employment and OSH rights in mind and translating them specifically for H-2A workers.

Visit the LAC website.

The logo for the Illinois Migrant Council

The Illinois Migrant Council (IMC) is a community-based non-profit organization with the primary mission of promoting employment, education, health, housing, and other opportunities for migrant and seasonal farmworkers (MSFW) and their families to achieve economic self-sufficiency and stability.

Visit the IMC website.

The logo for Shawnee Health, featuring colorful feathers atop the 'S'

Located at the southern end of Illinois, Shawnee Health serves around 350 farmworkers each summer. Aside from connecting GLCFHW with those workers and their employers, Shawnee is assisting in our efforts to identify farmworkers in the electronic medical record as part of our Surveillance research.

Visit the Shawnee Health website.