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Project Report: Pesticide Exposure & Illness Surveillance, 2018-21

Project Report: Agricultural Vehicle Crash Surveillance, 2018-2023

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Browse, sort, or search our curated list of publications related to farmworker health and safety by members of our team. We will add new featured publications to this page as the Center’s research generates its own new insights.

Workplace hazardsTensile Force Limits of the Sheep Spine: Comparison to Forces Required to Extricate Grain Entrapped VictimsIssa SF, Issa MS, Nauman E, Wassgren C, Schwab C, Ahsan ZS, Nour M, Field W2025-01J Agromedicine
Workplace hazardsSAFER AG – Risk Assessment, Data, Design Standards, and Regulation: Needs and RecommendationsShutske JM, Issa SF, Johnson T, Khorsandi F, Pate ML, Gorucu S, Walsh J, Yoder AM, Dukes E, Aby GR, Versweyveld J2025-01J Agric Saf Health
Pesticide safetyPublic Health Surveillance for the Prevention of Pesticide-Related Illness in IllinoisKyeremateng-Amoah E, Friedman L, Wahl M, Forst L2020-05J Occup Environ Med
Workplace hazardsTractor Rollovers Are PreventableForst LS2018-11Am J Public Health
Workplace hazardsAnnual Report: Illinois Health and Hazardous Substances Registry, July 2021 through June 2022Illinois Department of Public Health Division of Epidemiologic Studies2023-01
Illness and injurySpatial Clustering of Occupational Injuries in CommunitiesForst L, Friedman L, Chin B, Madigan D2015-07Am J Public Health
Health interventionAdoption of Safety Eyewear among Citrus Harvesters in Rural FloridaMonaghan PF, Bryant CA, McDermott RJ, Forst LS, Luque JS, Contreras RB2012-06J Immigr Minor Health
Health interventionMedical Interpretation for Immigrant WorkersForst L, Masters D, Zanoni J, Avila S, Chaidez F, Miller A2012-03New Solut
Health interventionPreventing Eye Injuries Among Citrus Harvesters: The Community Health Worker ModelMonaghan PF, Forst LS, Tovar-Aguilar JA, Bryant CA, Israel GD, Galindo-Gonzalez S, Thompson Z, Zhu Y, McDermott RJ2011-12Am J Public Health
Illness and injuryTraumatic Occupational Injuries in Hispanic and Foreign-Born WorkersForst L, Avila S, Anozie S, Rubin R.2010-04Am J Ind Med
Illness and injuryEthnic Disparities in Traumatic Occupational InjuryFriedman LS, Forst L2008-03J Occup Environ Med
Workplace hazardsDust Emission Rates From Food ProcessingLacey SE, Conroy L, Schoonover T, Franke J, Hedeker D, Forst L2006-02Ann Agric Environ Med
Health interventionBarriers and Benefits of Protective Eyewear Use by Latino Farm WorkersForst L, Noth IM, Lacey S, Bauer S, Skinner S, Petrea R, Zanoni J2006-05J Agromedicine
Workplace hazardsPersonal Dust Exposures at a Food Processing FacilityLacey SE, Conroy LM, Forst LS, Franke JE, Wadden RA, Hedeker DR2006-01J Agromedicine
Program evaluationEffectiveness of Community Health Workers for Promoting Use of Safety Eyewear by Latino Farm WorkersForst L, Lacey S, Chen HY, Jimenez R, Bauer S, Skinner S, Alvarado R, Nickels L, Zanoni J, Petrea R, Conroy L2004-12Am J Ind Med
Illness and injuryAgricultural Producers' and Stakeholders' Perceived Effectiveness and Participation in COVID-19 Protective BehaviorsRudolphi JM, Cuthbertson C, Kaur A, Sarol JN Jr2023-04J Agromedicine
Workplace hazardsBroadening Our Understanding of Farm Children's Risk Exposure by Considering Their Parents' Farming BackgroundBecot F, Bendixsen C, Barnes K, Rudolphi J2021-05Int J Environ Res Public Health
Mental healthCharacteristics of Suicide Among Farmers and Ranchers: Using the CDC NVDRS 2003-2018Miller CDM, Rudolphi JM2022-08Am J Ind Med
Workplace hazardsChildhood Agricultural Injury Prevention Among Organic Farmer MothersBarnes KL, Rudolphi J, Kivirist L, Bendixsen CG2021-04J Agromedicine
Heat safetyComparison of Health Outcomes from Heat-Related Injuries by National Weather Service Reported Heat Wave Days and Non-Heat Wave Days - Illinois, 2013-2019Abasilim C, Friedman LS2022-03Int J Biometeorol
Workplace hazardsContributing Causes of Injury or Death in Grain Entrapment, Engulfment, and ExtricationIssa SF, Field WE, Schwab CV, Issa FS, Nauman EA2017J Agromedicine
Mental healthDepression, Anxiety and Stress Among Young Farmers and Ranchers: A Pilot StudyRudolphi JM, Berg RL, Parsaik A2020-01Community Ment Health
Mental healthDiversity of Mental Health Issues in AgricultureRudolphi J2020-01J Agromedicine
Workplace hazardsEstimating Passive Stress Acting on a Grain Entrapment Victim's ChestIssa SF, Wassgren C, Schwab CV2018-07J Agric Saf Health
Mental healthFarmers' Mental Health: Perceptions from a Farm ShowRudolphi JM, Barnes KL2020-01J Agromedicine
Workplace hazardsFatal Farm Injuries to Canadian ChildrenVoaklander DC, Rudolphi JM, Berg R, Drul C, Belton KL, Pickett W2020-10Prev Med
Pesticide safetyFlorida Farmworkers' Perceptions and Lay Knowledge of Occupational PesticidesFlocks J, Monaghan P, Albrecht S, Bahena A2007-06J Community Health
Illness and injuryFrom Believers to Skeptics: Latent Class Analysis of COVID-19 Protective Practices and Perceptions Among Agricultural Community MembersRudolphi JM, Cuthbertson C, Kaur A, Sarol JN Jr2023-01J Rural Health
Program evaluationImplementation Evaluation of a Culturally Competent Eye Injury Prevention Program for Citrus Workers in a Florida Migrant CommunityLuque JS, Monaghan P, Contreras RB, August E, Baldwin JA, Bryant CA, McDermott RJ2007-12Prog Community Health Partnersh
Health interventionImplementing a Community-Based Social Marketing Project to Improve Agricultural Worker HealthFlocks J, Clarke L, Albrecht S, Bryant C, Monaghan P, Baker H2001-06Environ Health Perspect
Health interventionImproving Eye Safety in Citrus Harvest Crews Through the Acceptance of Personal Protective Equipment, Community-Based Participatory Research, Social Marketing, and Community Health WorkersTovar-Aguilar JA, Monaghan PF, Bryant CA, Esposito A, Wade M, Ruiz O, McDermott RJ2014J Agromedicine
Health interventionImproving Health and Safety Conditions in Agriculture Through Professional Training of Florida Farm Labor SupervisorsMorera MC, Monaghan PF, Tovar-Aguilar JA, Galindo-Gonzalez S, Roka FM, Asuaje C2014J Agromedicine
Program evaluationIncreasing the Number of Trained Health and Safety Professionals in Agricultural Medicine: Evaluation of the "Building Capacity" Program, 2007-2013Rudolphi JM, Donham KJ2015J Agromedicine
Mental healthMental Health of Agricultural Adolescents and Adults: Preliminary Results of a Five-Year StudyRudolphi JM, Berg RL2023-03Front Public Health
ImmigrationOrganization of Work in the Agricultural, Forestry, and Fishing Sector in the US Southeast: Implications for Immigrant Workers' Occupational Safety and HealthGrzywacz JG, Lipscomb HJ, Casanova V, Neis B, Fraser C, Monaghan P, Vallejos QM2013-08Am J Ind Med
Workplace hazardsSocial and Individual Influences on Tractor Operating Practices of Young Adult Agricultural WorkersRudolphi JM, Campo S, Gerr F, Rohlman DS2018-05J Adolesc Health
Workplace hazardsSummarization of Injury and Fatality Factors Involving Children and Youth in Grain Storage and Handling IncidentsIssa SF, Field WE, Hamm KE, Cheng YH, Roberts MJ, Riedel SM2016-01J Agric Saf Health
Workplace hazardsSummary of Agricultural Confined-Space Related Cases: 1964-2013Issa SF, Chng YH, Field WE2016-01J Agric Saf Health
Workplace hazardsSummary of U.S. Injuries and Fatalities Involving Entrapment and Suffocation in Grain Transport VehiclesCheng YH, Field WE, Issa SF, Kelley K, Heber M, Turner R2018-05J Agric Saf Health
Workplace hazardsSystematic Scoping Review of Occupational Health Injuries and Illnesses Among Indigenous WorkersShannon B, Jennings W, Friedman L2022-07J Occup Environ Med
Illness and injuryThe Novel Coronavirus and Undocumented Farmworkers in the United StatesMatthew OO, Monaghan PF, Luque JS2021-05New Solut
Pesticide safetyThe Role of Employers and Supervisors in Promoting Pesticide Safety Behavior Among Florida FarmworkersMayer B, Flocks J, Monaghan P2010-08Am J Ind Med
Health interventionToward a National Core Course in Agricultural Medicine and Curriculum in Agricultural Safety and Health: The "Building Capacity" Consensus ProcessRudolphi JM, Donham KJ2015J Agromedicine
Workplace hazardsUtilization and Effectiveness of Harnesses and Lifelines in Grain Entrapment Incidents: Preliminary AnalysisIssa SF, Nour MM, Field WE2018-05J Agric Saf Health
Mental healthWho and How: Exploring the Preferred Senders and Channels of Mental Health Information for Wisconsin FarmersRudolphi JM, Berg R, Marlenga B2019-10Int J Environ Res Public Health
Illness and injuryInjuries Among Hispanic/Latinx Agricultural Workers Seen in Illinois HospitalsWalker J, Forst L, Friedman L2023-12J Agromedicine
Illness and injuryAgricultural Injury Surveillance in the United States and Canada: A Systematic Literature ReviewLi S, Raza MMS, & Issa, SF 2024J Agromedicine
Illness and injuryGlobal Patterns of Agricultural Machine and Equipment Injuries- A Systematic Literature ReviewRaza MMS., Li S, & Issa SF2024
Illness and injuryLet's not forget about safetyIssa SF2024Resource Magazine
Illness and injuryAgricultural Injury Surveillance in the United States and Canada: A Systematic Literature ReviewLi S, Raza MMS, Issa S 2024J Agromedicine
Illness and injuryGlobal Patterns of Agricultural Machine and Equipment Injuries- A Systematic Literature ReviewRaza MMS, Li S, Issa SF 2024 J Agromedicine